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Upload Excel

You can upload Excel files with either Chango CLI or Admin UI.

This example will show how to upload Excel files with Admin UI.

NOTE: Before uploading Excel, make sure that Chango Data API and Chango Straming are installed.

Get Chango Data API Endpoint

You need to get the endpoint of Chango Data API in Components -> Chango Data API.

Get Chango Credential

You need to get Chango Credential to have privileges to upload Excel file. Go to Settings -> Security.

First, create a role upload-excel.

Crate a credential for the role upload-excel.

Create privileges with storage path iceberg.excel_db.* for the role upload-excel.

Upload Excel File

Before uploading Excel file, make sure that the header columns exist in the Excel file. Go to Upload Files -> Upload Excel.

Assumed that you want to insert uploaded Excel rows into the table test_excel in schema excel_db of catalog iceberg, Enter the values as follows.

To select rows of uploaded Excel, run the query with Superset like this.

-- select rows in uploaded excel.
select * from iceberg.excel_db.test_excel;