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Reading Log Files Using Chango Log

Chango Log is a log agent to read local log files and send logs to Chango to analyze logs.

Create Iceberg Table

Before sending logs to Chango, you need to create Iceberg table for logs with trino clients like Superset.

-- create schema.

-- create iceberg table.
CREATE TABLE iceberg.logs_db.logs (
    day varchar,
    fileName varchar,
    filePath varchar,
    hostAddress varchar,
    hostName varchar,
    lineNumber bigint,
    message varchar,
    month varchar,
    readableTs varchar,
    ts bigint,
    year varchar 
    partitioning=ARRAY['year', 'month', 'day'],
    format = 'PARQUET'

Install Chango Log

Download Chango Log distribution package.

curl -L -O;

Untar Chango Log file and move to Chango Log directory.

tar zxvf chango-log-1.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz;
cd chango-log-1.0.1-linux-x64;

Configure Chango Log

Modify conf/configuration.yml.

  token: any-chango-credential
  dataApiUrl: http://any-data-api-endpoint
  schema: logs_db
  table: logs
  batchSize: 10000
  interval: 1000
  tx: false

  - path: /log-dir-1
    file: rest*.log
  - path: /log-dir-2
    file: admin*.log
  - path: /log-dir-3

    interval: 20000
    threads: 3

  directory: /tmp/rocksdb

You need to configure the following properties to send logs to Chango.

  • chango.token: Chango Credential which is necessary to access Chango Data API. See Get Chango Credential.
  • chango.dataApiUrl: Chango Data API endpoint URL.

You can configure multiple log directories in which all the log files will be read.

  • logs[*].path: Log directory path.
  • logs[*].file: Log file name pattern. All the log files matched with this pattern will be read in the log directory. If this property is omitted, all the log files will be read without pattern matching.

Run Chango Log

Start Chango Log to read local log files and send logs to Chango.


You can see the logs of Chango Log in the path /tmp/chango-log/chango-log.log.

To stop Chango Log, run the following.


Run Queries to Analyze Logs

Run queries to analyze logs saved in Iceberg table logs.

For example.

select * from iceberg.logs_db.logs where fileName = 'admin.log' order by lineNumber asc limit 100000;

If the query is run with Superset, then it looks like this.