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Run dbt Model

This is an example to run dbt model in Chango Private.

Configure Trino Connection

You need to configure trino connection in profiles.yml in dbt. The following is a template to connect to Chango Trino Gateway from dbt.

  target: dev
      type: trino
      method: ldap
      user: trino
      password: xxx
      host: chango-private-5.chango.private
      port: 443
      database: iceberg
      schema: silver
      threads: 8
      http_scheme: https
        query_max_run_time: 5d
        exchange_compression: True
The target catalog is iceberg and schema is silver. host is the host name of Chango Trino Gateway endpoint which can be found in Endpoint section in Components -> Chango Trino Gateway.

user and password can be created in Settings -> Trino Gateway. For more details, see here.

Run dbt Model using git-sync

dbt is installed as docker container in Chango Private. To see on which hosts dbt is installed, go to Components -> dbt. First, you need to access dbt host to run dbt model.

Assumed that your dbt model files are source controlled by git repo, you can run dbt model with this command.

docker exec -it dbt \
/bin/sh -c '
/git-sync \
-repo [git-repo-url] \
-branch [branch] \
-username [user] \
-password [password] \
-root [root-dir] \
-one-time && \
cd [root-dir]/[git-repo-name].git/[dbt-model-dir] && \
dbt run \
--profiles-dir ../ \
--project-dir ./ \
-m models/[model-sql-file]

git-sync already installed in dbt docker image will be used to pull dbt model files from git repo with the following command.

/git-sync \
-repo [git-repo-url] \
-branch [branch] \
-username [user] \
-password [password] \
-root [root-dir] \
-one-time && \

And run dbt model like this.

dbt run \
--profiles-dir ../ \
--project-dir ./ \
-m models/[model-sql-file]