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Install Chango Components

There are several components supported by Chango Private.

See What is Chango Private? for more details.

NOTE: If Chango Private initialization failed or you want to reset Chango Private, then you need to move to http://[admin-host]:8123/cp-reset.html to reset Chango Private.

Initialize Chango Private

If you have not initialized Chango Private, you will get the following picture to initialze Chango Private.

There are mandatory Chango Components like MySQL, Object Storage, Chango Authorizer, and Chango REST Catalog which must be installed when Chango Private is initialized. The other optional compoents can be installed after Chango Private initialization.

Configure Hosts and SSH Private Key

All the Chango Component Nodes need to be registered, and SSH private key on Chango Admin Node need to be added to access Chango Component Nodes from the host of Chango Admin Node.

NOTE: Take a note that you need to register all the nodes of Chango Component Nodes except Chango Admin Node.

Get SSH private key on Chango Admin Node with the following command, and paste it to the text box SSH Private Key.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Configure LVM

Raw disks attached to the Chango Component Nodes in comma separated list need to be added to mount as logical volume.

If the disks attached are same on all the nodes, use this.

If the disks attached are different on every node, use this.

Configure MySQL

MySQL is used by open source components like Apache Superset and Apache Ozone in Chango Private. Select the host on which MySQL will be installed.

Configure Object Storage

Select the options for object storage. Apache Ozone is default object storage provided by Chango Private, which will be used in disconnected environment in most cases. In public, you may select the external object storage like AWS S3, MinIO, OCI Object Storage.

If Apache Ozone is used as object storage, enter the values this below.

If external object storage is used, enter values of S3 credentials.

Configure Chango Authorizer

Chango Authorizer is used to authenticate and authorize all the data access to Chango.

Configure Chango REST Catalog

Chango REST Catalog is used as data catalog in Chango.

For now, the components you configured are mandatory. After configuring mandatory components, you can skip configuration.

You can install other optional components later after finishing Chango Private initialization.

Install Configured Components

Install all the configured components.

When the installation is finished, press the button of Installation Finished.

Then, you will move to the main page.

Show Log

You can see current log produced by installed components.

Click the host name of components in Status to show log.

Chango Authorizer

Scale Server

Chango Authorizer can be scaled out or unscaled.

First, select hosts for scaling out or unscaling Authorizer servers, and then, press the button of Scale Out Server to scale out Authorizer servers or press the button of Unscale Server to unscale Authorizer servers.

Chango REST Catalog

Scale Server

Chango REST Catalog can be scaled out or unscaled.

First, select hosts for scaling out or unscaling REST Catalog servers, and then, press the button of Scale Out Server to scale out REST Catalog servers or press the button of Unscale Server to unscale REST Catalog servers.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is used as event streaming platform in Chango Private. Multiple Kafka clusters are supported by Chango, that is, you can install kafka clusters as many as you want.

Install Kafka

If you want to install Apache Kafka, press Go to Install button.

NOTE: If you have not installed any kafka cluster, then, enter default for the cluster name.

After installing kafka, you will see kafka page like this.

Because Chango Private supports multiple kafka clusters, you can install another kafka cluster.

NOTE: Because you have already installed default kafka cluster, you can enter anything for the cluster name.

After installing another kafka cluster, new created kafka cluster will be shown in tab list.

Scale Broker

Kafka Broker can be scaled out or unscaled.

First, select hosts for scaling out or unscaling kafka brokers, and then, press the button of Scale Out Broker to scale out brokers or press the button of Unscale Broker to unscale brokers.

Configure Kafka

You can update kafka configurations like heap memory and

First, select kafka cluster which you want to configure.

After modifying configuration, press Update to update the selected kafka cluster.

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is used as computing engine to run batch and streaming jobs in Chango.

Install Spark

Select hosts to install master, worker and history server of Spark.

After installing Spark, you will see the spark page like this.

Scale Worker

You can scale out and unscale spark workers.


There are URL links to get Spark Master UI and Spark History Server UI in UI of Spark Page.

Spark Master UI looks as below.

Spark History Server UI looks like this.


Trino is used as query engine to run interactive and long running ETL query in Chango. Chango Private provides multiple trino clusters, so, you can install trino clusers as many as you want.

Install Trino

Enter default for the cluser name if default trino cluster is not installed.

After installing default trino cluster, trino page looks like this.

If you want to install another trino cluster, enter any name for cluster name.

After installing another trino cluster, new created trino cluster will be shown in the cluster tab list.

Scale Worker

You can scale out and unscale trino workers.

Configure Trino

You can update trino memory configurations and catalogs.

To update memory properties in trino, select trino cluster.

Update catalogs in trino.

You can also add catalogs.


You can get Trino UI clicking link in UI of the selected trino cluster.

Chango Trino Gateway

Chango Trino Gateway is used to route trino queries to the backend trino clusters in Chango.

In addition, Chango Trino Gateway also provides the following functions. - authenticate trino users and authorize the queries run by trino users. - activate and deactivate the backend trino clusters.

Install Chango Trino Gateway

Select hosts for Chango Trino Gateway servers, host for NGINX proxy, and host for Redis cache.

It looks as below after installing it.

Scale Server

Chango Trino Gateway can be scaled out or unscaled.

First, select hosts for scaling out or unscaling Trino Gateway servers, and then, press the button of Scale Out Server to scale out Trino Gateway servers or press the button of Unscale Server to unscale Trino Gateway servers.

Apache Superset

Apache Superset is used as BI tool in Chango.

Install Superset

Select host for superset server.


You can get Superset UI clicking link in UI of superset page.


Azkaban is used as workflow to integrate all the batch jobs like spark ETL jobs and trino ETL jobs in Chango.

Install Azkaban

Select host for web and hosts for executors.


You can get Azkaban UI clicking link in UI of azkaban page.

Azkaban CLI

Azkaban CLI is CLI to create and update azkaban project on Azkaban.

Install Azkaban CLI

Select hosts for azkaban CLI.


dbt is CLI tool to transform data in Chango. In most cases, it will be used to run trino queries.

Install dbt

Select hosts for dbt.

Chango Data API

Chango provides data ingestion especially for streaming events. Chango Data API is used to collect streaming events and produce them to kafka.

Install Chango Data API

Select hosts for Chango Data API servers and host for NGINX proxy.

Scale Server

You can scale out and unscale Chango Data API servers.

Chango Streaming

Chango Streaming is a spark streaming job and used to consume streaming events from kafka and save them to Iceberg table in Chango.

Install Chango Streaming

Enter spark configurations for Chango Streaming job.

After installation, you will see the driver host of Chango Streaming spark job.

In spark master UI, Chango Streaming job will be found.