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Send Streaming Events

Chango Data API server will collect all the incoming streaming events and produce them to kafka. Chango Streaming will consume events from kafka and save events to Iceberg table in Chango directly.

That is, if you send streaming events to Chango Data API server, then all the streaming events will be inserted to Chango automatically. Chango Client is used to send streaming events to Chango Data API server with ease.

Add Chango Client Library to Classpath

You can add the following maven dependency to your project.


You can also download Chango Client jar file to add it to your application classpath.

curl -L -O;

Create Iceberg Table before Sending JSON Events

Before sending json as streaming events to Chango Data API server, Iceberg table needs to be created beforehand, for example.

-- create iceberg schema.
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS iceberg.iceberg_db;

-- create iceberg table.
CREATE TABLE iceberg.iceberg_db.test_iceberg (
    baseproperties ROW(eventtype varchar, 
                       ts bigint, 
                       uid varchar, 
                       version varchar), 
    itemid varchar, 
    price bigint, 
    quantity bigint 
    partitioning = ARRAY['itemid'],
    format = 'PARQUET'

NOTE: The sequence of table column names in lower case must be alphanumeric in ascending order.

Send JSON Events to Chango Data API Server

It is very simple to use Chango Client API in your code. Just add the following to send json events.

        String token = "...";
        String dataApiServer = "...";
        int batchSize = 10000; 
        long interval = 1000;
        String schema = "iceberg_db";
        String table = "test_iceberg";

        ChangoClient changoClient = new ChangoClient(

        String json = "...";

  • token : Data access credential issued by Chango Authorizer.
  • dataApiServer : Endpoint URL of Chango Data API.
  • schema: Target Iceberg schema which needs to be created before sending json data to chango.
  • table: Target Iceberg table which also needs to be created beforehand.
  • batchSize : The size of json list which will be sent to chango in batch mode and in gzip format.
  • interval : Json data will be queued internally in chango client. The queued json list will be sent in this period whose unit is milliseconds.

In order to get token, see Get Chango Credential.

To get the endpoint of Chango Data API, go to Components -> Chango Data API.

  • Get URL in Endpoint section.