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Create Azkaban Project using CLI

Azkaban Project file is a zip file in which workflow files are contained. Azkaban project file can be uploaded either via Azkaban Web UI or via Azkaban CLI to create workflow in Azkaban.

Create Azkaban Project File

First, create flow file, for example, spark-pi-client.flow.


  - name: Start
    type: noop

  - name: SparkPi
    type: command
      command: sshpass -p "xxx" ssh spark@chango-private-3 "/home/spark/"
      - Start

  - name: End
    type: noop
      - SparkPi

And create project file flow20.project.

azkaban-flow-version: 2.0

Finally, package as zip file.

zip spark-pi-client.flow flow20.project 

Upload Azkaban Project File with Azkaban CLI

First, access to the host where Azkaban CLI is installed.

Login as azkaban cli user with activating python virtual environment.

sudo su - azkabancli;
source venv/bin/activate;
azkaban --help;

Create azkaban project with the name of spark-pi-client with CLI.

azkaban upload -c -p spark-pi-client -u azkaban@http://[azkaban-web-host]:28081 ./
Default password for the user azkaban is azkaban.

To update azkaban project, parameter -c needs to be removed from the above command.